Wednesday, March 31, 2010

March 31, 2010

Why look back? - find the story. Why look now? – Carpe man Yana never happens. When remembrance finds a story, the story is forever. Stories join the past to the future; they get you from where you were to where you are. When memory gets erased, story becomes the anti-matter glue that makes life real and lasting. When I pay close quiet attention to the story details, God’s trail and scent become evident…, undeniably real. Yes, there God is.

Gold in them thar’ hills
Can I see the love that shields?
Loved by love original
March 30, 2010
Disposable Income

What a concept – unneeded money! Check out the Sky Mall mag on your next flight; heated dog cushions, bug vacuums, a $15,000 exercise machine. I just left a place where most live on two bucks a day. How did I become the economic equivalent of more than 200 people? Even more disturbing is that they are not the poorest, and I am not the richest. Relatively, am I worth what I have? Are you? Come on now…, get out much?

What have we now?
Badly broken the world systems
This thing is going down

Monday, March 29, 2010

March 29, 2010
Whanger happens

My trip home started in Bayombong Philippines and ended in Nashville. Total travel time - 43.5 hours door to door; value - priceless! We landed Dee-troit City - almost home. Tired I rescheduled an earlier flight to save 2 hours for $50 change fee. THAT flight got cancelled. +@#&*! So I stayed grounded in Detroit for 11 hours. I called home to whanger (angry whine), but she jacked me up with a thankful attitude for what I had, then my Sis helped.

Angry whiner me
Not my best rather my bad
Celebrate life now

Sunday, March 28, 2010

March 28, 2010
Tales from the Backside

Eighteen hours can make a big difference from the rear. I visited a Philippine roadside hut store for #2 stop. Hole in floor no paper no soap and dirty water bucket flush. I was given instructions on how to do this, but you don’t want to know! (TMI) Later the same day, I was at an airport lounge in Japan. Potty business became an automated cleansing experience of hyper-sanitary proportions - with a heated sterile seat, odor vacuum, scented breeze, and touch-less blow dry spray wash. How does this happen on the same day, on the same planet?

Visiting space aliens
Turn their ship away and go
Too mysterious here
March 27, 2010
War and Peace

For years I have wrestled with merging, melding, contrasting and integrating four words; war, peace, justice and freedom. You can draw them as four intersecting circles, and see where it goes. Unjust war is obviously the worst case, and just peace is the desired state - but what about unjust peace, and just war? If you have an answer, you work on the wrong question.

My sins of omission
The complicity of silence
Fix the symptom quick
March 26, 2010
Official Reason

Today I met with hundreds of Filipino men, making plans to feed hungry persons. That was the “official reason” for the trip. But the true and deepest reasons are many and less obvious. Some of the very best of life pops out of the stuff we are doing by plan. I got a roommate by chance not choice; Levy and I connected for many hours on unsettling social and political issues that defy clean answers.

Always more than seemed
What gets remembers matters
Find the gemstones later
March 25, 2010
Roads re-traveled

They built a new super-highway to my past and to Subic Bay today. I met an old Aeta tribesman at the jungle survival training camp. Still there, he might-could have trained me in 1972; I bought three blowguns from him. I saw the exact place where I watched two friends crash and die on takeoff. Then I saw the quonset hut where I was officer-in-charge of the Beach Det Misfits; a motley, potly crew for sure.

Four hours today
Forty years deep in my bones
Remember them now

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

March 24, 2010
“The Things They Carried” by Tim O’Brien

Some searing truth about war and true stories: Never moral. Embarrassing. They are what “seemed” to happen. Not to be believed. Never seem to end. Need retelling. Not generalized. Never absolute. Some are love stories. Allegiant to obscenity and evil – there it … is! No moral, period.

Stomach believes them
Like flu believes the next vomit
Unspeakably true
March 23, 2010
Carried Weight

Saw a movie on Big Bird - “Up in the Air”, with Clooney’s good question; “What is the weight of your life?” Then I consumed the book “The Things They Carried.” Merged the two and got a big dose of weighted matter that matters. Unpacking this 12 page journal flush might cause some weight reduction.

Weight of memory
Remembered story is forever
Redemption hides there
March 22, 2010
Reward if Found!

What happens to time that get’s time zone lost? I know you get it back later, but where does it go? Is it like that e-mail purgatory - where one gets sent and arrives 3 days later? Does the time or the e-mail get edited or messed with when it’s there? How will we ever know the answers here!

Space time continuum
No matter how & where you go
There you right … are

Sunday, March 21, 2010

March 21, 2010
Back to Philippines

Silver wing on high tomorrow - bound for Southeast Asia; Nashville, Detroit, Japan, Manila. Some mixed memories from 38 years ago: fast low flight over a lake in a volcano in a lake in an island in an ocean; tiny jungle people who gave life skills; liberty in ’Po City; a last beer with friends who died soon after; watching two friends die on take off; Officer-in-charge of a band of misfits being discharged from the Navy; getting a telegram that I was father of a boy named Dan who I would meet many months later.

Pygmies know the jungle
Fast low flight over dense hot green
Smell life and taste death
March 20, 2010
Chihuahua DooDee

Last Christmas day my son’s family arrived with flair; their little dog Princess immediately pooped on the carpet. Hours later, I sat next to granddaughter Karena on the couch. She relentlessly accused me of bad gas - eeeoouuwww Grandpa – but I am not guilty! After they left, I noticed a Kleenex box under the coffee table. I pulled one out, only to find a Chihuahua turd attached. Yes! Exonerated! Girl friend, you owe Grandpa an apology! Ya gotta love the holidays.

Don’t point out so quickly
The innocent may seem guilty
But God knows the truth

Friday, March 19, 2010

March 19, 2010
Spiritual Radiation

It is easy for me to talk God, but it is babble unless something good glows within, and emanates as love. Human encounters are energy transfers; generative or life-sucking. My spiritual emission signature depends upon an intimate connection with the life stories being written in and around me today. I lean in close to perceive these stories. When I do, God starts whispering to me “closer, closer, sit here and I will reveal…”

Stale testimonies
Or real and now adventures?
Be quiet and listen

Thursday, March 18, 2010

March 18, 2010
New Things

Isaiah advises not to dwell on things of the past, but to perceive something new that “springs forth”. It helps to find some markers from an old path that point toward a new birth. Wise men of old needed a star to aid their conception perception.

The old tree falls down
Decomposition happens
New chutes green in Spring

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

March 17, 2010
The Journal

I am both faithful and fitful attempting moment trail captures through journaling. It’s kind of like the Ghost-Buster jail for spirits. My journals are recorded in spurts; dog-eared scrap books full of notes, doodles, pics and clips. I have dozens, spanning nearly 40 years. Exegesis means to dig to understand meaning. Eisogesis means to read into something that is not there (usually because I want it to be). I am very sure I practice both crafts, but one God favors – and favors God.

Devil in the details?
It may seem so but bigger yet
God looms loving

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

March 16, 2010
Ready Fire Aim

It’s like trying to ride a bike without motion. Make a list, and check it twice. Be sure now..., ready, set, check it again! See if they like it. Test the waters. You know…, you can lose your life this way - you can get death by checkmate. If not now, when? If not here, where? If not me, who? Pray and LAUNCH!

Excuse me sir
Please forgive my careless error?
What crap - go for it.
March 15, 2010
Momentus Maximus

On March 9th I blogged about how moments matter. Later that day I was in a home that had the following wall art; “We do not remember days, we remember moments.” Sunday March 14th I picked up the April 2010 Travel & Leisure magazine to find the following ad leader; “Life is measured in years. But here, it’s measured in moments.” This morning I got an e-mail containing “Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.”

How and what we see
Do we strain them into being?
Black light florescent

Saturday, March 13, 2010

March 14, 2010
Lifting Fog

Unconscious does not know it is. Poor vision sees as far as it can. If a tree falls in a forest, a deaf person will not hear it. The riddles ravel up to truth when moments connect in patterns we are willing and able to smell, taste feel hear and finally see. Sense gets made out of life forward looking back.

Chaos sticks our head up
See cold mountain rising high
Above the damp fog

Friday, March 12, 2010

March 13, 2010
Toxic Heart

Unforgiving.Unhealed.Unconnected. A fractured vessel consumed from the inside-out. Standing firm in corralled rage; what a way to die! Drinking and serving poisonous venom seeping from an unhealed father wound. Do you hear that sucking sound? It is an open chest (heart) wound. Lord, bring it!

Down now and weep long
The Forgiver yearns for you
Receive it - give it away

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

March 12, 2010
Alps by Tank

Dad was 85 when Sis pulled the WW II stories from our father. Even dementia is a blessing when it opens up the way past. As a radioman on a tank destroyer, they rolled through Europe and North Africa. Imagine the Alps by tank! When it ended, they rolled into camps and saw the survivors. He saw the very best and very worst of humanity - in living, stinking color.

Nothing unfinished
A good life lived fully reconciled
He can go now God
March 11, 2010
Split Lamb

1979 Split Yugoslavia. F-14 squadron mates on a long Sunday bus ride along the coastline. Nothing open in the coast village, but a party was going on in a closed bar. We knocked, greeted by locals - none spoke English. We pointed to our aircraft carrier, tiny on the horizon. Come in! Five hours, eight lambs, gallons of wine, and thou. A full hoot, dancing with the men and women! Not one word spoken, but everything was understood.

What do we owe here?
Unimaginable. Unforgettable.
Left every cent we had
March 10, 2010
I’m a Dot

Four jets tight in formation flight, wings slicing cold high air. 500 knots nearing targets, time to split up. Lead calls “I’m a dot” and pulls hard high G left. In one second, he’s a dot; #2, #3 and #4 now all dots within seconds. It’s time to get down real low, to the treetops… later Bro.

Speedy relatives
Formation flight as one bird
Exhilarating fear
March 9, 2010
Fully Alive

Can I catch a breeze; keep a rainbow? I feel it, see it or miss it. Being alive only has a present tense. Moments matter. Most get missed because they are never in my plan. No matter where we go, there we are! (or not). What will it take for me to be a moment monger? My moments are all I have; me and you; me and God.

Grunt travail effort
Stop Breathe Look Listen Smell Taste See
Fully best is a vapor
March 8, 2010
Jim Bag

He sat next to me, and he is a big wheel deal. His BlackBerry and Laptop are carried in a sorry old beat-up leather bag. The bag whispered to me “Psst - I can tell stories”. I said to Jim that I needed him to speak to me on behalf of his story bag.

Our bags tote our stuff
Our hearts tote our glory and grief
So what’s in your bag?

Sunday, March 7, 2010

March 7, 2010
Green Light GO!

Standing at the gate – here’s the door knob. Inside the room, within the inner chamber is Prime Love. Love where it started- unleashed love unconditional. I don’t have to be perfect, just faithful. My past is not a life sentence; today is mine new for new life. My faith mirror is either damaged or clear – I get to decide. I get to get better, and so do we all.

We all fall broken
Take the Hand extended to all
Rise: drink deep ’til full
March 6, 2010
Half Moon Rising

Sis awoke at 4:00 AM to a half moon rising. She said it illuminated heaven. Blessed and joyful, coming from one seared by divorce and wondering how she will make it. Knows her job now is faithful trust. She is getting good at the job.

Better than sun rise
Moon light obscures starry show
God pours it on!
March 5, 2010
Family Secrets

Grandpa was a church man, but he ditched his family for his secretary in the 1930’s. Uncle Sam (his real name) did not give up on him, encouraging him to do the right thing. After eighteen months, he was with Sam on the porch asking Grandma to let him earn his way back to her heart. He did, she did. Fracture opened, then closed, then healed. It was right the second time, because he was right with God. Thanks, God!

Dirty little secrets
God the potter; love the clay
Good blooms from worst bad
March 4, 2010
Pygmy Negritos

1972 Philippine Islands: JEST – Jungle Environmental Survival Training. The USS Enterprise docked at Subic Bay. A few other young pilots and I were hosted by a tribe of tiny jungle people. They showed us how they lived in the jungle forest, because we might have to survive if shot down over Vietnam. So why today after 38 years, do I get an e-mail with photos of the JEST training camp? And why 3 weeks ago did I book a flight to Manila? And what will happen when I set foot in the place later this month?

BOOM ejection happens
Open chute over enemy lands
They want to kill us bad

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

March 3, 2010
Chaos Theory

Does deep change often happen without troubled waters? Do I wake up wanting new and different, or steady and same? Oh really now? Pain the teacher; trouble the tutor; chaos the climate. Is God in the chaos?

Inertia looms large
Same stagnant death or stirred waters
Unleash some chaos

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

March 2, 2010
Dot Zero

Connecting life to others means I am Dot One; and for you – you are Dot One. Here we go two, three, and four – the Matrix alive in Three D, Dolby and Technicolor. Be the dot hunter, but know that you are hunted as well. How long can you and I buy random chance?

Before chick the egg
Pure love conceived and consuming
Origin Dot Zero

Monday, March 1, 2010

March 1, 2010
Father Safe

Mom called to say his kidneys shut down; he’s in the hospital – come home. Made plans for a flight next morning. Scheduled to speak that evening, but my thoughts are on him. I read a story about his WWII experiences to the audience, and then delivered (my message.) Afterward, a man walks up who said, “I knew your father; he was my school principal; look – here is my 1957 yearbook with his picture in it.” I was speechless. My hometown 2000 miles away; never planned to speak about my dad…, MESSAGE delivered!

Two thousand miles zip
Fifty years a blink of an eye
Heaven’s time machine