Sunday, February 28, 2010

February 28, 2010
Goose Wind

Fog hung cold low, as the geese honked in commitment for water landing. Standing on a lake foot bridge unnoticed, I was smack in the middle of their final approach. Lead goose was spread fanning back for air braking. Dozens followed so low over me I could have touched each one. Two holy moments - hearing the sound of wind through goose feathers, and feeling puffs of their wing wind hit me staccato for nearly one minute.

Mighty and graceful
They cruise high above mountain peaks
Touching lucky me
February 27, 2010
George and John

I met George and John separately about 3-4 years ago, when I needed heart work. Both skilled in helping others become whole-hearted; both restored my heart condition and spiritual vitality. John called to tell me he just met George, discovering me in common. We three do Starbucks this morning, to find an intricate web of who we know in common. Many links to others are found beyond reason – but not beyond reasons.

Summer lush greenery
Fall breezes brown leaves down
See far in Winter forest

Friday, February 26, 2010

February 26, 2010
Truth delivered

The correct time is truth, and so is the color of my black shirt. What about Big Truth; Hard Truth; Cosmic Truth? There is but one acceptable and effective delivery vehicle for capitalized Truth. I can send truth to you (and be quite proud of it), but you will not receive it as Truth unless the delivery package is love.

Scolded Truth lies
We stand in a river of love
True love from above

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

February 25, 2010
The Shaver

He’s five years dead now. She found his electric shaver, picked it up and smelled his beard. RAGE hits hard – why did you leave me? SADNESS the gut shot – oh I miss him so. JOY covers her, thankful to God for the moment of remembrance.

Three hits hard and fast
Fully alive means all the emotions
Wholeness approaching

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

February 24, 2010
Stat Guys

You know the type they love data. They study the remnants of life lived by others; like proxy voting. NOT these stat brothers! Mining for reality in data; connecting the dots to see truth; convicted of real truth they ride the crest of the wave to the shore – with a dry exit.

Vicarious life
Like a breeze without wind
Take the plunge right now
February 23, 2010
Word Art

A Sunday flight to winter Philly, surfing the SWA airline rag. “Word It Like Warren” grabbed me, talking about writing short stuff. I tore the article from the mag, then tossed the mag. Personal note: “I must pay attention & go to those websites.” A Tuesday flight home, and a chance to reread the same mag. Can’t find the article; knew where it was. Still can’t find it. Must be nuts. Check the index; pages 46-51… missing! Removed! The exact same article snatched by the last reader. Come on now!

Buffett makes sense brief
Cuts deep in the heart to core
A sparse rising knife
February 22, 2010
Philly Connection

I was a dog house guest of Harley and Olive; the snow cabin warm from their love. This one two-day trip connects me at least three ways; hang time, wedding plans and a new conference birth. Any ONE worth the trip; all three-in-one a heavenly deal for sure.

Winter log home
Dogs bark now; babies maybies?
Summer the wedding
February 21, 2010
Prison Sanctuary

Imprisoned women hunger for love. Misplaced love trust mostly got them locked up. Thunder poured forth God’s love in a concert; a song massage from the Lover of souls. They loved it. They needed a touch.

Clang bang the gate shut
Cell dwellers invite the Most High
Sleep with me tonight

Saturday, February 20, 2010

February 20, 2010
Vietnam Consumed

Started having lunch there when it opened 12 years ago; been back every two weeks or so since then – maybe 250 meals? Owner Benson knows all I ever want is Pho Tai and spring rolls. Something good happens in me that connects and heals when I go there. I need the place like I need air. Benson and I figured out that when he was inside his mother, I was dropping bombs in his neighborhood.

Life-giving sword
The power to decide death or life
Choose wisely life

Friday, February 19, 2010

February 19, 2010
Snohomish Nomohish

PS from Jan 30: called off is now continued, three weeks down stream. Memphis bound with clear cold roads. Rendezvous with Thunder, Tracker and Fox; should be a hoot – we will miss Rancher. Imagine us all amongst 400 women prison inmates. That’s where we will spend Saturday night in concert. Thunder will roll; Lightning will accompany – God makes the weather you know…

White ice melts down
Melody notes bring harbinger spring
Now sing love to them
February 18, 2010
Six Pendejos

Five friends collected over 40 years in places I lived. Most of my true friends offend others because they say what they think, and do what they ought. None knew another but all know me. Four days the six jerk friends converge to just hang. Nor Cal coast cabin, driftwood, fresh crab, wine and BS; now five know four more honest asses. (BTW, one is really a nice man, not me).

What sticks in your mind?
Winter remembers spring fertility
Now the moment don’t wait
February 17, 2010
Ashes and dust

From dirt to dirt - it ends when I stop fogging a mirror, or not. So what if my Self had a party, and I was a “no show”? God would want to attend! Spirit warfare electronic countermeasures is secrecy in giving, praying, fasting. Overt, practiced piety is exposed hypocrisy. So how long does my ash cross remain, and for whom?

Inhale good grace
Breathed freedom for life from above
Disappearing me
February 16, 2010

Buddy frat bro from ’65 – animal house live! 45 years later still friends. Intense as a laser beam, he’s still designing the plays we see in the playoffs. Maestro of a violent ballet of precision and force - sometimes I get to watch the game from the field; sometimes I lead the player chapel service. Shared foolishness from youth welds many life friendships. Who do you need to call?

Fish Hen Fool Bastard
Nicknamed brothers not right
Time won’t forget them

Sunday, February 14, 2010

February 15, 2010
Thunder and Lightning

They met on the rubble of pasts that weren’t working. Soul mates they honor each another - and the Matchmaker. The grizzled cowboy stands strong and seasoned; rich baritones delivered with love from above. The lyrics come forth from life and the Lord. So special each other they use not nicknames - Edwin and Judith to those who know best and make right.

He roars deep love tender
She comes alongside and lifts up
Pooch Tank on the porch
February 14, 2010

She completes me… I know, I know - how trite! She really does. I am as “out of balance” as an asteroid’s orbit. She stays on the ground while my rocket does a full burn, then plummets back down. I do not understand The Chemist or the formulae, but I know that at least someone knows what up. My flame-outs would have been fatal, without her. I love her.

Yin and yang hang out
All seasons we navigate
Fruit falls from deep roots
February 13, 2010

Who do you trust with your spiritual quest? Try a Cambridge scholar who hails from flat land growing corn. Seek a lofty intellect attached to a deep God man who goes home for the harvest. Trust a man who is trusted with ancient documents and broken combines.

Contradictions rule
Understands the business
Of sowing and harvest

Friday, February 12, 2010

February 12, 2010
Fresh Out

Sister has grown big in her divorce. She has faced demons and truth, and been stayed with by Truth. Run to the ends of herself, she let’s go of everything untrue and contrived. She is stripped new and renewed, with no crap left to take or give. Threadbare with games, she is emotionally healthy. She checked inside her bull shit locker – “whoops, fresh out!”

Fresh spring breeze blowing
New life remembers but buries the old
The robin nest safe
February 11, 2010

I introduced Hitchhike to George; they connected. Hitch had some girl friend issues. George introduces me to Fullback. Full had some girlfriend issues. Hitch called me just as I was leaving George and Full. I told Hitch I just saw George and met Full. Hitch says “I met Full”. It seems ex-Full girlfriend is friends with ex-Hitch girlfriend. We all scratch and wonder how likely it all is. NOT.

Connection happens
Life springs fresh in the dots
Sees hidden patterns
February 10, 2010
The Piss Ant

Six-foot eight the giant is large – and my wife says “scary”. He is a shuffling, lumbering pan handler – and a sucker for scams. Lewis shows up at his public housing doorstep to become a freeloading roommate. Five feet tall, ex-con and abused, Lewis and Clay are a pair indeed. I gave Lewis a twenty for lunch, expecting change. Forgetful he asks if he can buy me an ice cream… with my money.

Un-zipped exposed evicted
Never learned to ride a bike
Deep the boy wounds
February 9, 2010
Appalachian Dan

Hey son, want to hike a while? Let’s go for a chunk of the AT. Bugs, bites and sweat. We find Mountain Dew trail magic from Captain Magic and Patagonia. Best comes the savant hiker who claims “they put me up against supercomputers, and I whip their ass!” He draws sketches on the trail, with high mathematics imbedded in secret codes. I asked “what do you do?” “I hike.” I asked “why do you hike?” “I must, I can, I love nature.” George walks a precarious path of life, barely outside the cookoo’s nest.

Hot summer sweat
Max patch bald gale force winds
Shimmering starry night
February 8, 2010
Bre’re Fox

Sometimes friendship is built upon shared sick humor. Fox One understands sick and funny. Buckled over wheezing funny! So we go to a retreat for men; actually we lead it. I invited banty rooster Marine guy to attend and help out. Several characters show up fresh out of jail and/or mental facilities. Banty gets paired with the characters; one mentions that he fantasizes dining upon his wife. Banty snaps on the nut cases, pulls a flame thrower on the mountain top. Levels the place! Banty gets renamed Scorch.

Fox and Eagle flight
Winged friends to take on life
Deeply disturbed men

Sunday, February 7, 2010

February 7, 2010
Blue Angel

Two wanna flys in training. We view first moon step live. Wives carry our boys in their hangars. Off to war we survive. Hot stick he commands the blues. Re-connection happens as years pass. His hangar boy dies in flight following dad. My hangar boy calls to say he heard it on the news. Caught my eye at an antique store - for sale for one dollar was his framed change of command invitation. I bought it, wondering how it got there.

Blue jets knife edge sharp
Connected by shared fear and hope
Weep the boy loss grief
February 6, 2010
Dot connection

The moments, encounters and experiences; as dots we collect them. Mystery lovers seek the hidden; low light illuminates some dot connections. Emerging patterns begin to form shapes. Know there is more connections unseen, many more. Random chance gets found out as not the reason. The Architect illuminates connections for those who seek. Engage the quest; go dot hunting.

Mining past moments
Refining ore yields rare gemstones
Gems link life necklace
February 5, 2010
Who knows you?

Big Cross introduced Biggest. Biggest gives seven figures; blessings flow abundant. A friend introduced Deep Waters. Later I find out that Deep is the spiritual mentor of Biggest. Deep becomes my friend. Later still, I meet Old Bull in a restaurant. Old Bull teaches me, and dies. Old Bull tells me he was the business mentor of Biggest. Biggest and I have a lot to be amazed about.

Financial fertilizer
Mammon used to buy rich earth
Yields good crop
February 4, 2010
Back to Arlington

We trained in 1971 as bomber pilots, Vietnam bound. Three wives boy pregnant. Shot down in the north – missing in action -two dads gone. I met my son 6 months old – speechless for days. Thirty two years later, I met fine sons at the memorial service; they found the remains.

Twenty one guns
Caskets down in winter ice
MIA bracelet buried too

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

February 3, 2010
Launch ‘em

Conspirators determined toward internet mojo: mission for good and for God. What happens when will, way, means, grit and heart converge? God knows; we will see.

Like a spring brook
Running clear near Mud River
Taste fresh and true
February 2, 2010
Wallace the Viking

Don’t get in his way, he owns a bulldozer. He must be reckoned with. If weapons are loaded, be on his side. He likes to protect the weak ones; big shots are big targets. The scowl hides the tender. His BS detector finely tuned – am I sure I want to say that? Miss you.

Strong in a wheelchair
Half a ham for a hand shake
The wise listen well
February 1, 2010

Some practice well and long. They dig trenches, pound nails, and serve with the poor bringing dear gifts to hear. He was called to the batter’s circle, bull pen, owner’s suite – and back to the bench serving water to others.

Eyes on the game now
Spring ripe for new movement
Batter Up!